TNDTE Results 2015 – Tn diploma Revaluation result 2015 live on

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Update:  TNDTE Reval Result 2015 Declared

Directorate of Technical Education in the State of Tamil Nadu diploma result is declared. Tamilnadu diploma Students are keenly waiting for Tndte 1st sem result, Tndte 2nd sem result, Tndte 3rd sem result, Tndte 4th sem result, Tndte 5th sem result, Tndte 6th sem, Tndte 7th sem, Tndte 8th sem result.

So, all the students now see the Dote tamilnadu result on the official website. The tndte diploma results april 2015 is Live available now.

More info about TNDTE Revaluation result:-


Tamil nadu Government create a body for the technical education in Tamil nadu. TNDTE every year conduct an exam for the diploma students. The TN diploma revaluation result is important for students to get best output of the hard work.

There are many branches like Electrical, mechanical, civil for which students has given the exams. Lakhs of students appeared in the exam and the all are keenly waiting for the Tndte polytechnic result.

How to check your DTE Tamil Nadu Result:

  1. Candidate can check their TNDTE Diploma revaluation result on official website.
  2. Just Visit the site and and click the Revaluation result link displayed.
  3. The Student required to enter FTP username & then password to get the TNDTE result.
  4. Students can also check TNDTE diploma results name wise.
  5. Download the DTE Tamil Nadu Revaluation result or save your result.

Get your TNDTE Diploma Reval Result 2015:     Click Here Now

 Keep Visiting Results360 for all info about TNDTE results:

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Er. Praveen
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