IBPS Clerical mains Results 2016- IBPS CWE 6 clerk Result, cut off 2016-17 Declared
Latest Update:- IBPS cwe 6 Clerk mains Results 2016-17 available. The IBPS CWE CLERK VI Results 2016 will be live for all the Ibps Candidates. Get your Ibps cwe clerk result date online. IBPS online Clerical cadre Posts exams is held in 2016. Get the IBPS clerical mains results 2016 and your IBPS clerk cut off 2016 with all details.
Check your IBPS Clerical 6 mains Results 2016 : Click HERE
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Board every year conducts different exams like Ibps So and Ibps Rrb examination. for Upcoming session Ibps declares the Notifications regarding the examination. The IBPS clerical 6 Results, cut off, answer key 2016 is LIVE now. IBPS clerical exams conducted in all the Indian states. The Cwe clerk-6 Apply date was from 22.08.2016 to 12.09.2016. Students can check all the details regarding IBPS mains result Dates and Ibps So 2016 Notification at official website. Get the IBPS Clerical answer key 2016 for Clerk 6 paper.
Ibps clerk result expected date 2017 for IBPS clerk mains Results 2017:
Finally, IBPS Released an official notification regarding IBps Clerk Interview 2016 . So keep in touch with us for IBPS Clerk 6 exam mains Result 2016. Ibps mains exam was conducted on January 3 and 4. Lakh of students appear in this examination. Now students who are waiting for the IBPS Latest Notification 2016: can check the results at Ibps.in. But there is bigger confusion among students regarding IBPS reserve list.
More Details Regarding IBPS Mains examination 2016-17: –
IBPS Clerk mains examination completed on 2nd or 3rd January 2016. It is the 1st time when IBPS Decide to go with Pre or Main Examination for IBPS Clerk. This Clerical examination (Mains) held on 2nd or 3rd January in two shifts. Lakhs of Candidates are eligible for this exam appeared in the main examination and now they all are waiting for Ibps clerk result 2016 cut off marks.
For More Update On IBPS Clerks Main Exam Cut off 2016 ➡ CHECK HERE
Ibps Clerk Cwe 6 Exam result name wise 2016-17 is going to announce soon. Last year in month of December Ibps conducts the examination of IBPS clerical Prelims. Lakh of students appeared in pre examination but only some of them were able to clear the Clerk exams cut off.
Check IBPS Clerk CWE VI mains Result 2016 with Score Card & Cut Off marks:
Its been a while since the examination, now all candidates are eagerly waiting for the IBPS Main Results 2016. so according to officials ibps.in clerk result date 2016 will declare in this week of December so keep in touch with us for IBPS Result 2016. you can also search name wise Ibps clerk Result 2016 at our portal.
IBPS Clerks exam is complete in two process CWE (Common Written Exam) (Preliminary & Mains) & Interview. And now students are waiting for the ibps clerk result 2016 mains. So here is a good news for the students they can check the Ibps Clerk Result 2016 January at official website.
Student also can check IBPS Cut off 2016 State wise or ibps clerk cut off marks at official website just after the declaration of IBPS result 2016. Students are eagerly waiting for the IBPS Result 2016 which will publish soon. and Just after the results IBPS start the interview process for the selected candidates. all information related to IBPS Clerk interview 2016 will available online at Ibps website.
Steps to check IBPS Clerk Cwe 6 mains Result 2016 & Ibps cwe 6 merit list:
- Visit the official website to get Ibps clerk exam results 2016.
- Then select the IBPS Clerical Mains Results/ Ibps cut off marks from notifications.
- After that enter all mandatory information for IBPS Clerk Result dec 2016.
- Get your IBPS clerical 6 mains merit list 2016 for all the candidates.
- Students also can check IBPS clerk VI Results 2016 by name ➡ CLICK HERE
- Save or download your Ibps clerk mains Result 2016-17 for the future use.
Keep visiting Results360 for all updates about Ibps cwe clerk result 2016.
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I hv done 120 question with 95% accuracy..and iam frm Manipur.OBC catagories…what r my chances
Sorry Sir. . I got 148 Marks in RRB PO . . . I was also selectd in IBPS PO for interview. . .but due to age issue i couldn’t face that. . .my age was just 13 days low. . . Now i cannt wait for the clerk’s result. . . .so in very deep stress i could not control on my self. . So sorry !!
but this is totaly garbej which is being done by IBPS. . !!
Mains results on 25th Jan Monday…
Obc 145
Bc 127
Sc nd st 119…
All d best guys
Realy sorry for that comment every one !!
Hello Mr Raju…
Thanks For the Comment
We can Understand your situation every one is waiting for the results. Since there is no confirmation from officials so only we can do is keep you updated about the IBPS Result.
Thanks & Regards
Team Results360
**** the hell up. . . Are they people mad who are at the superior position. . .they are trying to kill the hard working student by stress. . And sir if u have no ibps contact person or repersentative in ivps then u are try to be a hero with ugly apearence so shut ur business and be a responsible person okk. !!
sir g, when will Ibps mains result is going to declare? marks will be declared with the result? or only qualifying nature will be declared?
sir IBPS MAINS results kab ayega?, there is more than 20 days of exam,, it is first time delaying,, why? tell the reason sir?
cwe clerk Results will be announced after completion of ibps po interview. so excepted date will be 28th or 29th
How do u know???
Clerk mains ka result kab aayega?????? If u cant say the exact date than what is the use of ur website?? If u dont have any official contact with ibps than plzzz dont misguide us…result aa jane ke baad to hmlog v check kar e lenge ibps ke official site se..if u cant say in advance than plzzz dont misguide us
How many days still we will have to wait for the results.It becomes more pressure for us.Atleast let me know the date for the results to be declare.Keeping silence is not a correct way.So please specify the date to declare the results.So that we have will a breadth.Daily we are becoming more and more stress.
There is no exact date declared for announcement of clerk 5 mains result by IBPS.And interviews won’t continue for clerk’s post as per various other websites and sources.
when the result going to announce. …………..it create more stress. ..not only for me…
Can any1 pls lt me knw d cut off 4 Tamil Nadu OBC Category
i have attempted 117 question with 90% accuracy i am from rajasthan obc category sir.. any chance to select please sir reply me…….
Sir i have attemt 167 questions with 80% accuracy.gen catageory from andhra pradesh.is there any chance for job
When will be IBPS main result declared?
Yr pta ni mai bhi wait kr ri hu jldi aa jaye toh tensn khtm hogi
Could you Pls let me know exact date for IBPS clerk v main result.I want the exact date and time.No more confusion in that.Please let me immediately.I m waiting
Sir….eagrly waitg 4 d reslt…. am a genrl catgry candidat…frm Kerala. I hav attndd 142 qstns… All the sections except English I hav 90-95% accuracy. Bt 4 English…only 80%. Tel me whthr I hav ny chanc of gettg d mains….pls
Ibps clerk V Main Exm Rst Declare 21/01/2016, 12.30 pm
Ibps . U r just killing me by nt declaring the result. Atleast just give us day or date
Result will come by today eveng
Result will come 20th January
What wil be the cut off marks for general cateogry in bihar